Our outputs

Read about our outputs in An index of ReSET findings, developments and legacies 

The ReSET toolkit

Demo site summaries for stakeholders

Policy briefs

Key conference presentations

Open access publications

Social media

Public EC Deliverables 

Some of these deliverables are pre- review by the commission and thus considered DRAFT should not be cited unless marked as FINAL

D6.9 Triple Win Environment-Employment-Economy win-win green investments policy brief - Spanish summary (DRAFT)

scale in UK, Spain, Italy and Romania  (DRAFT)

D6.10 Employment-economy-environment tradeoffs for specific investment pathways at the EU scale, and the national scale in UK, Spain, Italy and Romania - Spanish summary (DRAFT)

D6.10 Short Version - Policy Brief (DRAFT)

Interim Reports:

Training videos:

Communication material:

FreeStation Data:
